Project Title: Multi-year IDIQ for Environmental, Navigation and Dredging Support |
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District |
OAS had a multi-year task order contract with the Norfolk District to support the Operations Branch in Dredging and Environmental sectors.
Richmond Deepwater Turning Basin - Water Quality - OAS provided technical assistance to Norfolk District in applying the EPA/USACE 404 Guidelines Screening Procedures to dredged material from the proposed widening of the existing Richmond Deepwater Terminal (RDWT) Turning Basin. The RDWT soils are lightly contaminated with diesel petroleum hydrocarbons raising VDEQ concerns that sediments within the Federal Channel at RDWT may contain contaminants, that when dredged and placed in a confined site, can result in an adverse impact to water quality through effluent water that is returned to the James River. The study determined if dredged material from the RDWT Turning Basin could be placed in a confined disposal facility (CDF) without violating state water quality certification. OAS conducted a review of existing information; applied the technical tiered screening protocols developed by the EPA and USACE for Section 404 evaluations of the discharge of dredged and fill material; and, developed a set of recommendations for the Norfolk District’s plan of action for this project.
Dredging Plan Review - Appomattox River, Petersburg - OAS team performed a comprehensive review and evaluation of the Norfolk District plans and overall approach for dredging the Appomattox River and placing the dredged material in an upland confined disposal facility. The project involved navigation dredging, and included the objective of one-time removal of additional contaminated sediment from outside the navigation dredging prism to minimize potential future contamination of the navigation channel. OAS provided reviews, comments and recommendations on dredged material sampling and characterization (with an emphasis on DNAPL beneath the channel), configuration of the dredging prism to avoid DNAPL beneath the channel, possible management actions if DNAPL were encountered, ecological and water quality aspects of disposal site selection and CDF construction, selection of dredging equipment, and management of the CDF to optimize quality of the effluent water returned to the river. The team also investigated the application, advantages, and limitations of Corps of Engineers environmental dredging funding authorizations for removing contaminated sediment from outside the navigation dredging prism.
Corps Mosquito Control Review for Craney Island - West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis have triggered health concerns in the United States regarding mosquito control efforts. Active cells where dredged material is dried and recovered make excellent mosquito breeding areas if left uncontrolled. OAS provided a review of mosquito control efforts at federal dredged material disposal areas along the middle Atlantic coast and an evaluation of the Norfolk District procedures at Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area. The study focused on effective integrated pest management strategies, chemical controls in coastal and sensitive habitats, endangered species protection, and weed control. OAS provided an overview of programs at Corps facilities from Savannah to Philadelphia. OAS developed a plan of action for Norfolk District to revise and update the CIDMMA program. OAS made recommendations regarding updating the District’s existing environmental assessment.
James River Partnership Meeting – OAS assisted the Norfolk District in planning, developing agenda topics, and obtaining speakers for the James River Partnership Meetings held in 2003 and 2005. OAS contacted key members of the Partnership including pilots, shippers, commercial and private users, port representatives, consultants, and agency representatives to solicit meeting topics. OAS drafted correspondence to members and Congressional delegates detailing the meeting and extending invitations. OAS assisted Norfolk District personnel in conducting the Partnership Meetings and provided feedback to District personnel on issues discussed during the Meetings.
Chesapeake Eastern Shore Navigation Partnership Meeting - OAS assisted the Norfolk District in planning, developing agenda topics, and obtaining speakers for the Chesapeake Eastern Shore Navigation Partnership Meeting held in January 2004. OAS contacted key members of the Partnership including pilots, shippers, commercial and private users, port representatives, consultants, and agency representatives to solicit meeting topics. OAS drafted correspondence to members and Congressional delegates detailing the meeting and extending invitations. OAS assisted Norfolk District personnel in conducting the Partnership Meeting and provided feedback to District personnel on issues discussed during the Meeting.