Project Title: Multi-Year IDC, ERDC Environmental Support |
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center |
OAS completed two multi-year task order contracts with the Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC); the first contract ran through CY2002 when the five year contract exceeded its funding ceiling in the third year. The second contract was initiated in August 2002 and ran for 5 years. These contracts were cost reimbursable with both Military Works and Civil Works Task Orders. In addition to providing supplemental staffing at the ERDC laboratories in Vicksburg, MS and The Dalles, OR, OAS completed tasks for the Hazardous Waste Research Center, Safety and Compliance Office, the Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program, and supported to various Corps of Engineers Districts.
OAS provided on-site staff and consultants to conduct research testing and experimentation, to complete reporting requirements on research projects, and to assist in training and permitting for the laboratory.
Staff Augmentation to the Hazardous Waste Research Center– OAS provided technical personnel to support research activities conducted onsite in the Hazardous Waste Research Center located at the Waterways Experiment Station. This included sample bench and pilot scale testing of innovative remediation technologies. Additionally OAS provided staff to the remote ERDC lab unit at The Dalles, OR Research Facility – OAS provided technical assistance in support of the Total Dissolved Gas Research Project. Research was conducted under this program to define the fundamental nature of dissolved gas dynamics as a function of hydropower system operations and its impacts on fish in the Columbia and Snake Rivers. OAS personnel installed monitoring systems, collected data, and prepared reports.
Safety Training and Manuals- Provided Laboratory Safety Training to the employees of the Hazardous Waste Research Center and 8-hour OSHA Refresher Course to ERDC laboratories staff. OAS developed a companion Lab Safety Training Manual.
Field Sampling & Assessment - OAS provided field staff augmentation to the HWRC for the collection and assessment of field data at several remote remediation sites on Federal facilities. The sites include Fort Polk, LA and Point Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station, CA. Research was conducted on effectiveness of electrokinetics treatment of soil to remove lead, chromium, and cadmium at military bases.
Report Preparations – OAS provides technical assistance in preparing technical reports and guidance documents for remediation technologies based on research conducted by ERDC and others.
- -State-of-the-Art of In-situ Treatment Technologies for Organic Contaminants in Groundwater
- -In-situ Electrokinetic Remediation of Organics in Compacted Soils
- -Chloride Removal from Sediments
- -Bioremediation of Dredged Material Sediments in CDFs
- -Bioremediation of Contaminants in Soils at Military Installations
- -Remediation of Lead in Small Firing Arm Ranges
- -In-situ Destruction of Organics in Groundwater in Chemical De-oxidation
RCRA Compliance - Assisted ERDC in collecting the data and preparing a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application for discharges related to the pilot plants at the HWRC and other experiment areas within the various laboratories.
Modeling Support – Developed an improved dredged material re-suspension factor for the SSFATE model; evaluated the sensitivity and effectiveness of the SSFATE Module with respect to transport of sediment particles; and performed an engineering analysis of the results of the SSFATE simulation on a contaminated sediments capping pilot project.