Project Title: Energy Industry Services |
Clients: See selected client list below |
OAS personnel have been involved in petroleum operations and many industry exploration and environmental operations for over 30 years. Our personnel have extensive geological, geophysical and engineering experience in this sector.
Environmental Expertise:
- -Surface and Subsurface Assessment
- -Soil and Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation
- -Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures (SPCC)
- -Assessments for Merger & Acquisitions
- -Pond Closures
Geological & Engineering Expertise:
- -Geological Evaluations (Mid-Continent U.S.)
- -Geological Well-Site Drilling Supervision (Mid-Continent U.S.)
- -Geophysical Evaluations
- -Petroleum Engineering Services
- -Petroleum Accounting Services
Exploration & Production Expertise:
- -Geological Studies & Mapping
- -Geological Drilling Supervision
- -Geophysical 2-D & 3-D Seismograph Design, Implementation & Evaluation
- -Engineering Appraisal of Producing Leases, Reservoir Evaluations, Enhanced Recovery Design & Implementation
- -Sale of Producing & Non-producing Mineral Interests
- -Barker Production Company
- -Conoco-Phillips Petroleum Co.
- -Enviro Clean Services
- -Harding Lawson & Associates
- -HBC Engineering
- -J.M. Huber Corporation
- -KAT Energy Corporation
- -McGibbon Oil
- -Muleshoe Co-op
- -Nash Oil Co.
- -Pablo Energy, Inc.
- -Panhandle Producing Company
- -Sierra Group, LLC
- -Strat Land Exploration Company
- -Sunray Oil Company
- -Terracon Consultants
- -Texaco Refining & Marketing
- -Transpetco
- -W.P. Harris Oil & Gas Properties