Project Title:  Environmental, Navigation & Dredging Support

Client: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research & Development Center


OAS had two 5-year IDIQ Contracts for Environmental, Navigation and Dredging Support to the Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) at the Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.  The first contract ran through CY2002 when the five year contract exceeded its funding ceiling in the third year.  The second contract was initiated in August 2002 and ran for 5 years.

Corps of Engineers District Support - OAS conducted dredging related work for various Corps Districts under the ERDC contract.  Selected projects are detailed below:

  • New Orleans District – Dredging Demonstrations- OAS conducted a demonstration project of a dust-pan dredge with multiple pumps that allow for pumping of sediment over long distances. The demonstration proved the capabilities of an open-water dust-pan dredge for routine dredging in high traffic areas and marsh creation in the Head of Passes area of the Mississippi River. OAS developed the criteria for the operating parameters to judge the success of the demonstration and provided oversight of the successful demonstration. We assisted ERDC in demonstration evaluations and report preparation. OAS supported another demonstration for the New Orleans District using the “Water Injection Dredge” to remove shoals from the navigation channel in Michoud Canal adjacent to the NASA facility.
  • Norfolk and Mobile DistrictsOAS associates assisted with development and assessment of the “Telescoping Weir” which is designed to improve water quality of discharges from Confined Disposal Facilities. The weir can be automated to adjust the discharge elevation based on real time water quality parameters such as turbidity.
  • Savannah DistrictOAS provided review and technical evaluation of alternatives for Confined Disposal Facility management in the Dredged Material Management Plan for the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway.
  • Mobile District - OAS prepared a Regional Biological Assessment for the actual or potential impacts of the operation and maintenance activities of inland rivers and coastal projects of the Mobile District on the Gulf Sturgeon and its proposed critical habitat, which are protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. O&M navigation activities include: dredging, bend easing, placement of dredged material, lock and dam maintenance, maintenance of channel training works, snagging, and maintaining access to boat ramps, sloughs, and side channels.


Report Preparation - OAS provided technical assistance in preparing numerous technical reports and guidance documents for dredged material:

  • -Support for development of the Upland Testing Manual;
  • -Support for the development of a detailed outline for a combined Inland and Ocean Testing Manual;
  • -Developed the Beneficial Uses section of the Engineering Manual “Dredging and Dredged Material Placement;
  • -Developed a Technical Note on Debris Management in Reuse of Dredged Material from CDFs;
  • -Reviewed and assessed literature on Desalination of Dredged Material;
  • -Developed a Technical Note on Particulate Removal from CDF Effluents;
  • -Prepared a report on Chloride Removal from Sediments;
  • -Developed a Technical Note on Bioremediation of Dredged Material Sediments in CDFs;
  • Modeling Support – Developed an improved dredged material re-suspension factor for the SSFATE model; evaluated the sensitivity and effectiveness of the SSFATE Module with respect to transport of sediment particles; and performed an engineering analysis of the results of the SSFATE simulation on the Palos Verde In-Situ Capping Pilot Project.

    Dredging OperationsOAS provided technical expertise and field operations for evaluation of innovative technologies for measuring and assessing fluid mud in navigation channels at various locations in the US.  Meetings were held with personnel from Corps Districts having experienced difficulties with fluid mud.  OAS conducted a demonstration project near Richmond, CA using a new sonic-based technology for in-place measurement of sediment densities.